
2024-05-13  | Collaboration

Exploring international opportunities with Bluumo and Haaga-Helia's collaboration

During the teacher exchange in Barcelona, we met students specializing in marketing, tourism, and entrepreneurship. The project focused on the airport environment inspired students to come up with various practical and imaginative solutions. The teaching method employed was the Design Sprint method developed by Google Ventures, which was a new experience and way of working for the students. The Design Sprint consists of five one-day sprints. Since we had different student groups each day, we decided to focus their work on the three most critical sprints for the assignment: goal setting, ideation, and prototyping.

The educational trip to Barcelona, realized through the collaboration between Bluumo and Haaga-Helia, has sparked interest among various stakeholders. Below, you'll find podcasts categorized according to the sprints, along with discussions on productization, for further listening.

PODCAST 1: ”johdanto podcast sarjaan”

PODCAST 2: Design Sprint – yhteinen ymmärrys ja tavoitteet

PODCAST 3: Design Sprint – Rohkeasti ideat esiin!

PODCAST 4: Design Sprint - Parhaat ideat toteutukseen

PODCAST 5: Design Sprint – Ideasta prototyypiksi

PODCAST 6: Design Sprint – Testaus oppimisen välineenä

PODCAST 7: Tuotteistamisella menestykseen